Build Resistance not Walls
A Reader for a World without Walls
Edited by the Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign (Stop the Wall)
Table of Contents
Editorial words, Stop the Wall
An overview, Maren Mantovani
Walls, Vijay Prashad
Perspectives on the walls in Palestine
Palestine: A laboratory for Israeli militarized walls, Riya Alsanah and Hala Marshood
Israel’s national strategy – more than ever built on walls, Jamal Juma’
Gaza in a world without walls, Haidar Eid
On the wall and nature: The ongoing Israeli war on the Palestinian environment, Ramzy Baroud and Romana Rubeo
Ana Sumud: I am steadfastness, Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian
The US wall at the Mexico border
Interview: When there is respect, no walls are needed, Soledad Ortiz
The physical and mental walls of Israel and the United States over Palestine and Mexico, Gilberto Conde
Nation of Walls: colonialism, racism, and walls in the United States, Khury Petersen-Smith
The U.S. Border Patrol and an Israeli military contractor are putting a Native American reservation under “PERSISTENT surveillance”, Will Parrish
The European walls
Caravan Opening Borders: Ceuta and Melilla, Oli Oliva
More struggle, more resistance and solidarity with migrants!, Khadija Ainani
The porter women: The dispossessed of Spain’s border, Mohamed Merabet
Necropolitics, migrations and the European Union, Juan Hernández Zubizarreta
Decolonizing the discourse on migration, Lorraine Leete
The Wall of Time in the Moria Camp in Lesbos, Oli Oliva
The politics and industry behind the European walls, Mark Akkerman
Walls: more than frontiers of the empire
The Moroccan wall in Western Sahara, a silent crime, Mahfud Mohamed Lamin Bechri
Interview: If they globalize the way they kill us, we globalize our struggle!, Gizele Martins
The walls of the territory called Argentina, German Romano
Aporofobia: the ideological wall of the third millennium, Diego Battistessa
Integration at gunpoint, Mirza S Bég
Castes: not just walls, Anand Teltumbde
The Abolitionist Dream: Breaking down the prison walls, Thriving for Freedom
The walls surround us…soon they will fall, Friends of the Earth – Brazil
Experiences building a World without Walls
The call for a World without Walls
World Without Walls delegation statement of commitment to joint struggle with the Palestinian people
Local and international struggles against the Walls of Infamy for a World Without Walls, Daniela Gonzáles López
The globalisation of border control and peoples’ resistance, Monica Vargas
Joint statement for a World without Walls from European Palestine solidarity and migrants rights groups and networks